Unlike the news we obtain from our morning paper, features delve deeper than giving out only the most crucial facts. The goal of these articles is to give a comprehensive account of a location, person, idea, or organisation.

Good feature writers are curious and innovative. They are skilled at gathering information and are able to turn even the most mundane data into engaging and occasionally hilarious writing.

This article will delve into some important details about feature writing.

How to Write a Feature Article That Generates Mind-Blowing Traffic | by  Moss Clement | The Brave Writer | Medium

The Headline Should Draw Readers In

Feature stories require the writer to have the determination to keep the readers’ attention for the entire duration of the story. Yet, one of the most challenging elements in these writings is piquing the readers’ interest enough to read the story in the first place. Because your title is the first thing readers will see, it must be powerful or pose a question that readers will want your narrative to answer. If your headline drew them in, the first paragraph is where you keep them hooked.

Construct A Complete Narrative

Make vivid descriptions that engage the reader’s imagination to improve you’re their interactions with your writing. Make an effort to set the setting and contextualise what you’re attempting to express. The primary body of your feature piece should include answers to the questions you have placed, precise information, and the payoffs that the reader has been anticipating. Even if the circumstance in real life has no end, your article must have a satisfactory conclusion for your readers so as not to leave them feeling like your work is missing something.

Include Visuals

Most feature stories on the web a decade ago were visually unattractive or mundane-at best. They are usually digital reproductions of print publications with identical graphics and writing. We’re seeing tremendous growth in visually engaging multimedia feature stories, thanks to recent advances in internet speed and browsers, as well as the rise of more powerful content creation platforms.

To keep digital readers’ attention, attempt to combine high-resolution, full-bleed photos, video and graphics with your writing. Dwindling attention span among readers is an actual problem in contemporary times, so improvise to cope with this issue.

Dialogues Are Important

Dialogues are frequently used by feature writers, much as it is by authors of fictional pieces, to keep a tale moving. As a feature writer, of course, you can’t make up the dialogues on your own; you have to listen to them while reporting. Effective dialogue, like good observation in a story, creates vivid mental images for readers and keeps them engaged with the writing and the story’s main characters. It is essential to keep this in mind while curating your feature piece.

8 Tips For Writing Great Feature Stories


In recent times, companies and writers have tremendously improved their narrative skills and are going above and beyond to catch and maintain the attention of their audiences. Competition is tough, and producing unique content that retains the attention of readers is tougher. Feature writing is a fantastic tool for achieving these goals. It is contemporary, fresh and most importantly, anyone- even you- can do it!


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